Internet Archives
IJRIAR promises to submit the metadata of the individual articles to the Internet Archive.
IJRIAR is an Open Access, Peer-Reviewed, Abstracted and Indexed, Multidisciplinary and Monthly International Journal. All works published in this journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This journal is indexed with globally recognized databases.
The aim of this journal is to publish high quality Research Papers, Review Papers, Mini Reviews, Survey Papers, Case Studies and Short Communications of an original nature on all areas of Social Sciences and Humanities, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Management, Engineering, Biology, and Physical Education. IJRIAR accepts submissions of a wide range of article types, including original research, reviews and feature articles. The author information section provides specific article requirements to help you turn your research into an article suitable forIJRIAR.
Mode of Publication: Online and Print
E-ISSN: 2635-3040 & P-ISSN: 2659-1561
ISSN Portal (Online):
ISSN Portal (Print):
Frequency of Publication: Monthly.
Review Time (Duration in Days): 21 working days.
Articles can be submitted at: editor.riar@gmail.com
Contact us: editor.riar@gmail.com
IJRIAR promises to submit the metadata of the individual articles to the Internet Archive.
IJRIAR promises to submit the metadata of the individual articles to the Index Copernicus.
IJRIAR promises to submit the metadata of the individual articles to the Google Scholar.