Preparation of Manuscripts for Submission

Submission of an article implies that the presented work and results have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere, and that its publication is approved by all authors. All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest.

Types of Paper

The following manuscripts will be considered for publication

Research Articles

Review Articles

Mini Reviews

Case Studies and

Short Communications

Style and Format

Manuscripts should be written in English language. The text should be in Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 line-spaced throughout and with one-inch margins throughout; the paper size should be set to A4. All pages should be numbered sequentially.

Length of Paper

There is no strict limit on the length of a manuscript. Nevertheless, authors are asked to make the manuscripts as concise as possible and to limit them to less than 40 manuscript pages.

The following sequence should be followed while preparing manuscript
Title Page Information

The title should adequately describe the content of the paper. Abbreviations should be avoided wherever possible.

Author Names and Affiliations

Indicate the name(s) of each Author and check the spelling of all names. Provide the Authors' affiliations as follows: Department, Institution, City, Country. Provide the email address of the corresponding author. Please mark the Corresponding Author with an asterisk.


Provide an abstract of 150-250 words. The Abstract should outline the essential content of the manuscript, especially the purpose of the research, the main results and major conclusions.


Please provide 4 to 6 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes.


It should provide sufficient information on the topic to allow the reader to understand the presented study. Previous work should be cited correctly without providing a lengthy review on the topic. The introduction should clearly outline the scientific hypothesis that was analyzed for the study undertaken.

Materials and Methods

Must be detailed enough to allow reproduction of the experiments described. Novel methods with modifications as well as genuine technical innovations have to be described, no need to repeat the methods that are published in detail.


Results should be clear and concise. Presentation of results with tables and figures may improve its clarity.


Discussion should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. A combined Results and Discussion section is often appropriate. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature.


It should be representing the summary of the important findings.


This section includes acknowledgment of people, grant details, funds, etc.


Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals (i.e., Table 1, Tables 2, Table 3, Table 4 etc.), and must be cited in the text. Title of the table should be written on top of the table. Descriptions about table items should be placed at the bottom of the table and marked with an asterisk.


Figures should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals (i.e., Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4), and must be cited in the text. Title of the figure should be written on bottom of the figure. Figures should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

Model Table and Figure

Table 1. Mean, Standard Deviation and Range of knowledge scores of subjects regarding Ganser syndrome.

Figure 1. Liver tissue for MTX group (H&E x 200)


Footnotes should be kept to a minimum; in most cases, it will be possible to incorporate the information in the text. If footnotes are used, they should be numbered in the text indicated by superscript numbers and kept as brief as possible.


The full list of references should be in alphabetical order. Journals names should be given in full without abbreviation. In order to ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa), it is recommended to use the EndNote software.

Citations in the text

For Single Author: The Author name and the year of publication (Liu, 2009).

For Two Authors: Both author (s) names and the year of publication (Swathi and Siva, 2013).

Three or More Authors: First author name followed by (et al.,) and the year of publication (Sai et al., 2012). Citation may be made directly (or parenthetically).

More than one citation: Groups of references should be listed chronologically according to the year of publication. Examples: (Tom et al., 2006; Ruby et al., 2008; Chan et al., 2014; Sai and Siva, 2019).

More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters `a`, `b`, `c`, etc., placed after the year of publication (Wesley Daniel Nafarnda 2019a; 2019b, 2019c).

Model References
References in Journal

Feise, R.J. 2002. Do multiple outcome measures require p-value adjustment?. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 2(1): 8-14.

Alakhrass, H. and Alenazi, W. 2019. Diabetes and Technology: Continuous Glucose Monitoring among Pregnant Women in Real Time. Health, 11(07): 855-857.

Hiramatsu, M., Momoki, C., Oide, Y., Kaneishi, C., Yasui, Y., Shoji, K., Fukuda, T. and Habu, D. 2019. Association Between Risk Factors and Intensive Nutritional Intervention Outcomes in Elderly Individuals. Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, 11(7): 472-479.

Al-Johani, N.S. and Bazzaz, A.A. 2019. Acute Impact of the Artificial Sweetener Aspartame on the Ultrastructures of Hepatocyte in Mice. Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 10(6): 165-177.

References in Journal with DOI Number

Niwa, K., Takenaka, M., Ishihara, T., Mori, S., Kuwabara, K., Murase, S., Yamaguchi, Y. and Tanaka, T. 2019. A Case of Struma Ovarii Diagnosed by Cytology during Laparoscopic Surgery. Open Journal of Pathology, 9(2): 1-9.

Paz, T., Levy, N., Leiba, H. and Rappoport, D. 2019. Role of Early Neuroimaging in Managing Acute Isolated Ocular Motor Nerve Palsies. International Journal of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 4(1): 24-32. doi: 10.11648/j.ijovs.20190401.15

Al-Sissi, A.A., El-Nagdy, S.Y., Mourad, M.I. and Denewar, M. 2019. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA-Based Analysis for Genetic Alterations among Malignant Salivary Gland Tumors and Pleomorphic Adenoma. Journal of Integrative Oncology, 8: 1-8. doi: 10.4172/2329-6771.1000224

Matsuki, M., Kaji, Y., Matsuo, M. and Kobashi, Y. 2000. Struma ovarii: MRI findings. The British Journal of Radiology, 73(865): 87-90.


Ough, C.S. and Amerine, M.A. 1998. Methods for analysis of Cancer Tumours. Wiley and Sons, New York, USA. pp: 196-221.

Hurlock, E.B. 1950. Development Physiology-A life span approach. 5th Edition, Tata Mc. Graw. Hill.


Ting Meng, X. 1990. Recent advances in Dental Sciences, U.S Patent 2 624 124, July 16.

Chapter in Book

Weston, D.P. 1996. Environmental considerations in the use of antibacterial drugs in aquaculture. In: Baird, D., Beveridge, M.V.M., Kelly, L.A., Muir, J.F. (Eds.), Aquaculture Water Resource Management, Blackwell, Oxford, pp: 140–165.


Deka, H. 1991. Achievement motivation in creativity in stars and isolates. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Gujarat, pp: 111-114.

Lekha, V. 2005. A study of emotional maturity of adolescents in relation to Cognitive and non-cognitive variables, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Punjab, Chandigarh, pp: 225.

Unpublished Thesis

Farook, A. 2003. The effect of emotional intelligence on academic performance. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Karachi, Karachi.


Yang, H. 2016. CBR Tools to Reduce the Risk of Dementia and Alzheimer. Retrieved from

Brown, A.F. 2016. Farmed and wild fish. Retrieved from


Huang, Y. 2014. Recent Report on Oral Cancer. Report No. 222, HongKong, China, CRI Press, pp: 462 pp.

Chemical Terminology

The chemical nomenclature used must be in accordance with that used in the Chemical Abstracts.

Biological Nomenclature

Examples: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans, Streptococcus mutans.

Enzyme Nomenclature

The trivial names recommended by the IUPAC-IUB Commission should be used. When the enzyme is the main subject of a paper, its code number and systematic name should be stated in its first citation in the paper.

Scientific Names

The genus (always capitalized) and the species (not capitalized) should be typed in italics. When the same name is used more than once in the paper, the first letter of the genus (still capitalized) should be used as an abbreviation in the second and subsequent uses of the name.

Abbreviations and Units

Generally, units must be abbreviated according to the International System of Units (SI units).

Below you find the examples of abbreviations of the most commonly used SI units:

Units for Length (m, cm, m, mm, nm, Å)

Units for Mass (kg, g, mg, mg, ng, pg, mol, mmol)

Units for Volume (l, ml, ml), time (s, min, h, d)

Units for Temperature (°C, K)

Units for Radiation (Bq, Ci, dpm, Gy, rad) and

Units for Concentration (M, mM, mol/l, mmol/l, mg/ml, mg/ml, %, % (v/v), % (w/v), ppm, ppb.

Proofs and Reprints

Proofs will be sent via e-mail as an Acrobat PDF file (e-mail attachment) and should be returned within five days of receipt. Page proofs are considered to be the final version of the manuscript. With the exception of typographical or minor clerical errors, no changes will be made in the manuscript at the proof stage. Authors will have free electronic access to the full text (PDF) of the article. Authors can freely download the PDF file from which they can print unlimited copies of their articles.

Acceptance Certificate

IJRIAR issue Acceptance Certificate to Author(s) for manuscripts that have been reviewed and accepted for publication by an Editor-in-Chief.

Payment Confirmation

A payment confirmation will be sent through email to the corresponding author after the Article Processing Charges have been paid. You can hope to receive the confirmation within 2-3 working days after the payment has been processed.

Publication Notification

After the article is made available on the journal’s website, a publication notice is sent to the corresponding author with links to the issue and article.

Average Number of Weeks between Article Submission and Publication

IJRIAR is an open access, monthly international journal. This journal will take an average time between article submission and publication is: 3 weeks.

Refund Policy

Article Processing Charges are required after a manuscript has been accepted for publication. The journal will not issue refunds or cancellations of any kind after the acceptance of the manuscript.

Revenue Sources

The only revenue source for this journal is the author fees. Publishing fees will not influence editorial decision making.

Advertising Policy

Advertising is not allowed.

Order Hard Copies of the Journal

Hard copies are available; we have the following options:

2 distribution copies (each copy contains the author paper only + table of contents + journal's cover)-cost is 30 USD (Rs. 400) + transfer fees + Postal Charges.

One full volume copy + two distribution copies-cost is 60 USD (Rs. 800) + transfer fees + Postal Charges.

One full volume copy-cost is 50 USD (Rs. 700) + transfer fees + Postal Charges.

Note: The delivery depends on the chosen option and on the volume in which the paper is published (between 10-30 days).

Note: the fees also cover any costs related to the delivery of the hard copies to the author by postal office.

Submission Checklist

Authors are advised to make use of this checklist before submitting your articles to IJRIAR which will ensure fast processing and easy proceedings.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.

  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.

  • Include keywords.

  • All figures (include relevant captions).

  • All tables (including titles, description, footnotes).

  • All figures and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

  • Manuscript has been 'spell checked' and 'grammar checked'.

  • All references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa.

  • Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Internet).

  • Acknowledgements, conflict of interest, funding information are filled (if applicable).

  • Clinical trial registration number, if applicable.

Note: Authors are encouraged to refer to the latest issue of IJRIAR for the format of manuscript preparation.